Diamonds are forever, but so are leather jackets. Year after year, season after season this item hasn’t lost his shine.
I’ve heard a lot of stories about girls getting their first car or designer bag. Well I remember the time I got my first leather jacket.
I was fifteen or so at the time. I always knew that if I was going to buy one, I want it to be the perfect jacket. At that time every store owned soooo many different types of leather jackets that everyone should find one. But in my opinion there was always something wrong with it. I didn’t like the pockets or there was a less tastelful accent I just couldn’t get over. When my mom told me I could get one for my birthday, the jacket hunt really started. I searched in every store, went to different cities, just to find my perfect match. The search paid off and I found a black leather jacket that was perfect for me. I remember this being my first true love. Superficial, me?
And 7 years later, I still own that jacket and I never bought another one, because this specific jacket had everything I wanted a leather jacket to have. Until I unintentionally found another. Actually it was a rainy day in Antwerp and of course I didn’t dress for it. I quickly jumped into a second hand store and bought this new jacket (which wasn’t really a good idea either because leather and water aren’t necessarily friends). It was really strange that I found an item that actually fits, usually the thrift shop coats are too big and too wide (I’m a fan of long and wide jackets but in other fabrics than leather). So I was beyond happy when I found one that fits me perfectly.
When I shop at second hand shops I barely look at the brands because too often they remove the label or it is from an old brand I don’t know. Apparently I should do this more often because this black piece is one of agnès B. (thaaaaank you Astrid (@astridnieuw) for pointing that out, if it wasn’t for her I still wouldn’t have a clue). It’s a clean leather jacket with braided accents on the back. I combined it with a white sweater and a printed pair of culottes.