Rusty has an old feeling to it and so does retro, so why not combine the two.
New fashion doesn’t really exist anymore. Apart from new technologies or clothes with lights in it, there is nothing new coming to the scene. It is al about reinventing something old or something that has been done already. But that doesn’t mean fashion got boring. There are still designers out there who present something really creative and innovative because of their wide knowledge of clothing and costumes throughout the years.
Reminiscent of an earlier time, I decided to put my rusty pants on and I threw a retro sweater over it. The shoes are a lost treasure from my mother and this box-bag is one of my all time favourites. I didn’t got it from my momma but from my grandmother and the more fashionstuff I see from her, the more I started to think she was the queen of style.
Outfits are a combination of your own style and character so there is no need to only wear one certain type of clothing like a look with only designer clothing or only vintage. That’s why I combined these vintage treasures with a boohoo culotte and H&M sweater. BooHoo is a great site to find basics and style steals. H&M suprises me time after time. They really have super fashionable and affortable pieces like this sweater. It is ok to buy low budget pieces as long as you clothing matches your personality.