It wouldn’t be realistic not to share the coat I’ve been wearing all winter. I think people are starting to recognize me because of this coat and they might think it is my only proper winter coat (think again guys). People asked me where I got it from but it is actually my grandma’s coat, so because of that fact I also know it is of good quality. The main reason for concluding this coat in my daily outfit, apart from the fact that it is absolutely fabulous, is that I’m usually running late. I don’t know how I do it but I just don’t have that time management gene in my body. I always blame my mom, she is spanish and they are well known for always running late.
I usually wake up early, so that isn’t the problem either. I just always seem to take my time for my coffee and a nice breakfast. I put on some music or read the newspaper (seriously I do that). Than all of the sudden I have only 10 minutes left for my make up and outfit. Because I love to challenge myself I probabely spend a few minutes doing nothing and as a result I only have 5 minutes left to get ready. And that is about just enough time to put on some mascara, a little bit of blush and to throw some clothes on. So that is also the main reason why I don’t wear fiitted clothes, I mean loose, baggy clothes are sooo much easier to put on in a speed tempo. And because I often dress to light (I’m not overthinking, or think at all what I should be wearing, hello winter) this multi functional coat is perfect. It is long and warm(yes) and because of the faux fur collar I don’t have to spend time searching a matching scarf plus it is actually ten times warmer (dubble yes).
For this occasion I also pulled some black pieces out of my closet. At the moment I’m really into light beige and pastel colours but I can’t say no to a little black now and then. I’m wearing a (surprise) culotte in black and white print. This pants is extra baggy so to avoid looking sloppy I combined it with a black fitted shirt. Because it is still not generally accepted to go out with bare legs at the moment, I paired it with some over the knee boots. Side note, these boots are NOT made for walking. with its 4,5inch heel I don’t recomend wearing it for long romantic walks in the park.
Coat: from my grandmother
Culottes: Clouds of Fashion
Shirt: Mango
Boots: Public desire
Pictures by @enfacedl