Spring is in the air and summer is around the corner. I’m trying to get as much sun as possible, to get those vitamin D levels up again.
Also very common: fabrics get thinner and skirts get shorter. But the thing I love the most about summer is the fact that everybody gets a little bit more friendly. People are smiling, strangers saying hello, everybody is in a happy place. And when I think again, it’s just a shame that people can’t be in that state of mind all the time. Not that it’s necessary to be super happy all the time, but a simple hello or a smile are little gestures that ask almost no effort. I could write an entire story about how people treat each other nowadays and how sad it really is, secretly quoting black eyed peas -where is the love- and acting like I made it up myself. But I’m going to save that for when it’s almost winter and my soul turns cold again.
Now I’m talking fashion. Summer is the time to buy, wear and mix ‘n match prints. Stripes with dots, flowers with stars, everything is allowed. But because it’s only spring, we are building up slowly. If you want to mix prints but you want it to be smooth, like the criminal you are, choose one print in black & white and the other with something bright. Also smart: when you mix prints, at least one colour should be present in both prints. And heels are always indispensable when you want to make it elegant.
Pants: Bellerose https://shpl.ly/2oz5w0k
Top: Bellerose https://shpl.ly/2p8gVlQ